Common Name: Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos x madagascariensis
Sun: Full Sun
Growth Rate: Moderate to Fast
Fertilizer: Moderate
Water: Moderate
Cold Tolerance: Unknown. Probably 28-32 degF
History: This is a hybrid that is currently present in only a couple Southern California and Australian private gardens. It has been around for about ten to fifteen years.
Production: The seed parent is Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos (Teddybear Palm) and the pollen parent is Chrysalidocarpus madagascariensis. It has never been manually crossed as far as we know, so all hybrids in cultivation are likely the result of natural cross-pollination.
Benefits: This hybrid is more drought-tolerant and probably more cold hardy than the pure Teddybear Palm (which is a Zone 10b-11 palm). It combines the beauty of both parents with its emerald-ringed trunk and fuzzy red crownshaft.
Identification: Unknown.
Seabreeze Erosion Solutions of Florida
Nursery Manager: Josh Allen
Located in Vista, California between the 76 and 78 freeways
(760) 505-0457
Authorized Distributor: Estero Gardens
Located in Fort Myers, Florida at Alico Road and I-75
In-Person: By Appointment Only
Mail Order: Through online Etsy store
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