Common Name: Chrysalidocarpus pembana x decaryi
Sun: Full Sun to Shade
Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate when young, Fast once trunking
Fertilizer: None
Water: Very Low
Cold Tolerance: unknown, probably 24-28degF
History: This hybrid was first produced by Seabreeze Nurseries in South Florida in 2013. It has been distributed to California and Australia.
Production: The seed parent is Chrysalidocarpus pembana (Pemba Palm) and the pollen parent is Chrysalidocarpus decaryi (Triangle Palm). Production numbers are: out of 15,000 female flowers (three inflorescences carry 15,000 pistillate [female] flowers, once pollinated these flowers yield about 50 seeds, out of these seeds about 10-12 germinate and grow to healthy seedlings. Often, 10% of the seedlings come up as true Chrysalidocarpus pembana (see Identification below).
Benefits: This hybrid should be able to take a few more degrees of cold than the pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana. As a young palm, the hybrid is slightly slower growing than pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana, but speeds up quite a bit when older, the fronds are a bit more silver and upright, and also seem more resistant to spotting and yellowing than the pure mother plant. Also, the hybrid tends to split a couple times, producing two or more trunks, whereas the pure species produces new young stolons (stems) from the base. This hybrid is a pretty palm with a tristichous (vertical rows of three) leaf arrangement, elongated crown shaft, and an emerald-green trunk that is reminiscent of bamboo.
Identification: Prophyll (first spike/tube) is typically very short- about ¼” or so and colored differently than the eophyll (first leaf). Eophyll is dark, emerald green and very stiff and upright (unlike pure palm which is lime-green and rabbit-eared). Hybrid seedlings are also noticeably slower growing than pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana.
Seabreeze Erosion Solutions of Florida
Nursery Manager: Josh Allen
Located in Vista, California between the 76 and 78 freeways
(760) 505-0457
Authorized Distributor: Estero Gardens
Located in Fort Myers, Florida at Alico Road and I-75
In-Person: By Appointment Only
Mail Order: Through online Etsy store
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