Chrysalidocarpus pembana x decaryi

Common Name:  Chrysalidocarpus pembana x decaryi

Sun:  Full Sun to Shade

Growth Rate:  Slow to Moderate when young, Fast once trunking

Fertilizer:  None

Water:  Very Low

Cold Tolerance:  unknown, probably 24-28degF

History:  This hybrid was first produced by Seabreeze Nurseries in South Florida in 2013. It has been distributed to California and Australia.

  The seed parent is Chrysalidocarpus pembana (Pemba Palm) and the pollen parent is Chrysalidocarpus decaryi (Triangle Palm). Production numbers are: out of 15,000 female flowers (three inflorescences carry 15,000 pistillate [female] flowers, once pollinated these flowers yield about 50 seeds, out of these seeds about 10-12 germinate and grow to healthy seedlings. Often, 10% of the seedlings come up as true Chrysalidocarpus pembana (see Identification below).

Benefits:  This hybrid should be able to take a few more degrees of cold than the pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana. As a young palm, the hybrid is slightly slower growing than pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana, but speeds up quite a bit when older, the fronds are a bit more silver and upright, and also seem more resistant to spotting and yellowing than the pure mother plant. Also, the hybrid tends to split a couple times, producing two or more trunks, whereas the pure species produces new young stolons (stems) from the base. This hybrid is a pretty palm with a tristichous (vertical rows of three) leaf arrangement, elongated crown shaft, and an emerald-green trunk that is reminiscent of bamboo.

Identification:  Prophyll (first spike/tube) is typically very short- about ¼” or so and colored differently than the eophyll (first leaf). Eophyll is dark, emerald green and very stiff and upright (unlike pure palm which is lime-green and rabbit-eared). Hybrid seedlings are also noticeably slower growing than pure Chrysalidocarpus pembana.

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